About Us

PriceFinch is a tool to help you get best value for your money when searching for various products.

PriceFinch is constantly searching the web for the best prices for various products and performs calculations on which product currently has the best value.

For example, if a 120 GB Solid State Drive costs £30, and a 250 GB Solid State Drive costs £50, then the 250 GB SSD has better value for money per gigabyte of storage.

If two products have the same score, it does not mean that they have the same price. It simply means that they have the same value for money for a given performance metric. That is, a 2 TB HDD with the price of £50 will have the same score as a 4 TB HDD with the price of £100.

Please note that the value score does not represent the overall quality of a product.

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