Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why PriceFinch?
A: To help people get the best value for their money when buying tech stuff.

Q: What does the "Score" mean?
A: It means whow much you are getting per pound. If you are buying a hard drive, then this will be a score of how many gigabytes of storage each pound will get you. The higher, the better.

Q: Ok that's cool, but what about taking other product features into the score calculations? A: This is easy for CPUs and GPUs where we can use the raw benchmark as a score, and it is much more difficult to score with other products, such as 4k TVs. That's why for TVs, as an example, we only use the total display area as the basis for the score.

Q: How often do you update your prices?
A: We update each product at least once a day, and we update the most popular products several times a day.

Q: Why do you only display products from Amazon?
A: Amazon offers good returns policy, and has a wide selection of tech products. Buying everything in one place will also mean fewer deliveries.

Q: What about other vendors, such as Scan and Ebuyer?
A: We want to integrate many more tech retailers, and those will be coming to PriceFinch soon.

Q: How can I get a price alert for a product?
A: Go to a product page, there is a section where you can set up an email price alert.

Q: I clicked on a product, but the price was different?
A: Two things could be causing this. One, the default price on Amazon is shown by a third party seller. Two, the price on Amazon could have changed after PriceFinch last looked at the product.